Многие, вероятно, знают о Рональде Лапорте? Том, который поддерживает на сайте университета Питтсбурга «суперкурс» в помощь преподавателям, да и студентам? Он запустил (в смысле как ракету) новую инициативуТеперь на (http://ssc.bibalex.org/helpdesk/introduction.jsf) можно получать помощь в организации, проведении и публикации результатов исследований. Естественно, все держится на общественной инициативе. Вот, ниже, копия его сообщения:

Team Supercourse Newsletter

Supercourse, BA SuperHelp Desk
http://ssc.bibalex.org/helpdesk/introduction.jsf (BA SuperHelp desk)
https://www.facebook.com/TheBaSuperhelpDesk?ref=hl (BA SuperHelp Facebook)

www.pitt.edu/~super1//   Supercourse
June 26 2014

Dear Friends

Please forward to all students, and academics you know who must publish or
they will perish.  The BA SuperHelp Desk, will Help

Team BA SuperHelp Desk

The Launch is still buzzing in our minds.  It has been very exciting and
successful for our pilot stage which will continue to Sept. 1.  We have
learned so much.  This was the most massive launch we have ever had. We
reached 1.2 million people directly interested in research and global
health. These were students, faculty, MOH individuals etc.  Then the
information was submitted to many other sites. For example in the
excellent Public Health in the Arab world there were at least 5 others who
posted information to this list serve. The recruiting experts was
outstanding, as we now have over 250 leaders in research/design/statistics
offering to provide answers.

“When you launch in a rocket, your not really flying that rocket. You are
just sort of hanging on” (Anderson)

The Library of Alexandria site  is a beautiful site. Please take a look at
it.  We were very pleased that Eman Eltahlawy created a really nice
Facebook page (see above and visit).  This is especially important to me
as I am 64 years old, and Facebook challenged.
http://ssc.bibalex.org/helpdesk/introduction.jsf (BA SuperHelp desk)
https://www.facebook.com/TheBaSuperhelpDesk?ref=hl (BA SuperHelp Facebook)

We posted 6 questions in the past couple of weeks.  I was very pleased of
the answers  we received.  We received 2-4 excellent answers per question.
Many of the answers had links so that not only was the question answered,
but also it was a learning experience for those who posted the question,
as well as those who were interested in the question.
In just a few days we received 102 “likes” please visit us and tell us
that you like us!

US  BA SuperHelp Desk

Something very surprising was that we received emails from the US saying
that there should be a US BA SuperHelp desk.  The rationale is that many
people in the US do research but have little access to research methods
help.  For example Universities and colleges with limited resources, local
and state governments, NGOs, Newspapers etc.  However they too are
afflicted with Stataphobia as they do not have in their organizations the
research methods expertise. Citizens themselves attempt to do research
(e.g. cancer clusters), often with disastrous and costly results. If
citizens had access to a help desk to help them do and understand research
this would be very important.  I would like your thoughts about building a
US Help desk to help our citizens. ronaldlaporte@gmail.com.  If Pakistan,
Sudan, Iran, India, Lebanon and 7 others are building a national help
desk, why should we in the US also establish a US BA SuperHeld to improve
our science?  Research for all citizens!

“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom” (Bacon), it is also ½ of being

“Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question”

Everything worked very well, from the web page, facebook, moderation, and
the answers.  It worked far better than I expected.  The major problem is
that we have only gotten 6 questions, and we wonder why. We would love
your thoughts.

We have seen world wide the acceptance of the concept of publish or
perish.  Ph.D. students in Kazakhstan must publish to get their Ph.D.
Potential Professors in Indonesia need a good publication record to be
promoted as do academics in India.  We are seeing that Publish or Perish
is the Sword of Damocles, omnipresent over the heads of junior faculty and
graduate students.  Many junior faculty and graduate students want to, and
must publish. They have excellent ideas but are dragged down into the
quicksand of academia because they do not have the tools to publish.  Look
around in your department, you will see

Lecture of the Week:  Role of Iron in Human Health, Drs. Malik and Yaday,
National Agri. Food biotechnology Institute, Mohale Punjab, Indian.  The
lecture by Malik and Yaday is an excellent lecture describing the role of
iron in health.  The biochemistry of iron and healh are nicely
represented.  There is an excellent overview of the sources of Iron, and
the problem of Iron Deficiency in India and the world.

“A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a
desire to learn I hammering on cold iron.”  (H. Mann)

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO)

Best Regards,
 Ron, Faina, Eugene, Francois, Nicholas, Ohanyido, Gil, Mita, Ismail,
Eric, Kawkab, Vint, Ali, Olga