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В блоге за 3 ноября комментатор пишет:
The BMJ 1 November 2014 Vol 349
Can you remember what a thienopyridine is? All together now: “A thienopyridine is a GREL!” Very good, children. Now in the land of grels, boys and girls, you can make a lot of money by inventing a new grel and selling it to lots of people. This is known as economic activity, and that is why we protect our pharmaceutical companies like dear little lambs. Now you remember that grels stop platelets sticking to each other, so they stop blood clots forming. That’s why they have been sold for people to use when they are having a kind of clot in the heart called non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. The trouble is that when you look at all the trials, you find that these grels don’t do any good but cause more of these people to bleed. So you can see, girls and boys, that it’s very important to have all the results of all the trials, because most of them are conducted by people wanting to sell grels. We don’t think they might want to tell fibs, but we need to be sure.
И вы уже не пропустите в BMJ замечательную статью, в которой показано, что всякие ГРЕЛИ (клопидо- и прочие) бесполезны в лечении Non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Василий Власов