Блестящий комментарий опубликован тут.Профессор Коллинз, маститый пропагандист статинов, утверждает, что статины безопасны и побочные эффекты бывают за 5 лет лишь у 1 пациента из 100 или 200. Но журналисты раскопали, что у Коллинза есть патент на метод выявления людей, у которых могут быть побочные эффекты. Этот тест продается в сопровождении информации от производителя, что 29% при приеме статинов могут иметь побочные эффекты.

Василий Власов


«The true rate of statin side-effects that interfere with quality of life has been the subject of intense controversy. The recent Lancet review concluded that symptomatic adverse effects, eg muscle pain or weakness, occur in between 1 in 100 and 1 in 200 patients treated with statins for five years.1 Its lead author Professor Rory Collins of the University of Oxford launched a very public campaign in 2014 calling for the retraction of two articles published in the BMJ questioning the use of statins in people at low risk of heart disease, which he said had overestimated the risk of side-effects “by more than 20 times”.14

…Professor Collins initially raised his concerns in The Guardian newspaper stating: “there are only one or two well-documented [problematic] side-effects.” Myopathy and muscle weakness occurred in one in 10,000 people, he said, and there was a small increase in diabetes.18

…A Sunday Times investigation in September 2016 uncovered that Professor Collins filed a patent in 2009 for a test that identifies a gene that makes patients more likely to suffer muscle pain with statins.2 The test, branded as StatinSmart, had until recently been sold directly to the consumer in the USA on a website that claimed up to 29 per cent of statin users will suffer muscle pain, weakness or cramps. Although Professor Collins said the 29 per cent figure was “misleading”, Boston Heart Diagnostics, the American company granted an exclusive licence for Collins’s patent, stood by its claims. It cited a US task force on statins safety that concluded randomised controlled trials “had major limitations” because patients with side-effects were often excluded.20«