Российский Минздрав развивает «внешнюю» оценку медицинских организаций опросом пациентов. Как водится, научных оснований у этой практики — кот наплакал, в смысле — с гулькин нос. В основе — обезъяничанье.
Об американской практике. Вот что сообщает нам AHRQ об исследованиях этой практики, проведенных в США: пациентам не нравится эта практика, а у медицинских работников она отнимает драгоценное время:
Two AHRQ-funded studies that examined the use of a health risk assessment tool in primary care found that the tool may be able to identify behavioral and psychological health risks and lead to improved counseling and behavioral change, and that assessments could be implemented in routine care. However, the studies also found that patients were generally unwilling to discuss their risk factors and that counseling by clinicians would require an additional 28 minutes per patient visit as well as additional staff time. The first study measured patients’ readiness for behavior change to improve their health, desire to discuss their health risks and perceived importance of 13 health risk factors identified in the assessment, known as the My Own Health Report. The second study evaluated whether primary care practices could implement My Own Health Report, typically electronically, as part of providing routine care. The study and abstract titled “Frequency and Prioritization of Patient Health Risks from a Structured Health Risk Assessment,” and the study and abstract titled “Adoption, Reach, Implementation and Maintenance of a Behavioral and Mental Health Assessment in Primary Care” appeared in the November/December 2014 issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.
Ввасилий Власов